Focus on business and let technology manage the rest.

Techno Form

Focus on business and let technology manage the rest.

  • Paperless and Digital-Centric execution

  • Swift Processing Faster Turnaround

  • Piece of cake to learn, smooth as silk to use

  • Invincible Safety of theData

Easy to Manage
Your All Data by This App

Designed with Solar panel installation agencies in mind, Techno Forms is a tool that cuts through the clutter so that you can spend your time where you really need to – business. Right from scheduling a new job till the compliance certificates, it is meant to be your digital clerk.

With the automation through Techno Forms, you will see decreased processing times, reduced paperwork and a gargantuan jump in business efficiency.

Techno Forms CRM Use Cases


The dashboard would be the first screen to appear when you log in. Here you will be able to check the summary….


Here u can create new users for the company where based the role they can view the jobs or make changes…


Here you have an option of adding the installer and all the details pertaining to that installer you want to bring …


This section covers all the detailing part pertaining to the jobs that you have executed, the ones you are in the process …


The dashboard would be the first screen to appear when you log in. Here you will be able to check the summary….


Additionally we also have options of generating reports as per your need and also the calendar option that allows you to check…

Want to Know More?

Watch the walkthrough videos of CRM and Mobile App

About Us

A One-Stop-Solution to all of the documentation needs pertaining to Your Solar Installations. Techno Forms​ is a Cloud based platform that enables you to go paperless and brings in simplicity.

Contact Us

3 Kawana Island Blvd,
Warana QLD 4575

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